About Us

The journey to Websites ‘N’ More

Websites ‘N’ More was born in 2014 but the story starts in 2007 (In hindsight everything happens for a reason. The business is owned, managed and run by Divij Mehta, an Indian by birth but an Australian by choice. In 2007, a starry-eyed Divij came to the land down under to pursue a Masters in Applied Finance degree at Macquarie University. After successfully completing this in 2009, Divij went on to work with a boutique Investment bank as an intern, however, the GFC wasn’t really a desirable graduation present which left Divij very unsuccessful in securing a full-time role with leading banks.

For 2 years of trying to secure his dream role and juggling between part-time jobs, something didn’t feel right and instead entrepreneurship was on his mind. Not something new to him given that his father had been running a successful engineering firm in India for more than 3 decades.

2010 was the year! From a tiny studio in Newtown, Divij ventured into his first business and he named her Dealworkz. Dealworkz was a B2C website based on the Group Buying model that aimed to bring discounts to the public for a range of products and services. After working out the requirements of the business and convincing his father to get seed money, Divij built a team of programmers and online marketers in India who could help him realise his dream online.

2.5 years of a roller coaster ride, Dealworkz was an adrenaline pumping adventure complete with its ups and downs, risks and rewards, trials and tribulations that forced the man-child Divij to grow up to be about a 100! And in the end, when Dealworkz was sold, it was all worth it!

And then Websites ‘N’ More was born

What next? Equipped with a few too many grey hairs and the knowledge of running eCommerce websites including managing various aspects of it and a team of 6 PHP programmers based in India, Divij decided to sell digital solutions in the Australian market.

Getting clients onboard was surprisingly easy! Goodwill pays off in business, always!

5 Years since Inception…Still going and growing…

Websites ‘N’ More is located in the ever so vibrant Newtown, Sydney with a team of 8 uniquely unique humans bringing more and more dreams online every day.

In a short period of time, we have been incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with clients across multiple Industry sectors including Govt. affiliated clients and organisations.


Manufacturing, Health Research, Recruitment, Retail, Catering, Legal, Trade Services & Hospitality.

Services Provided

Web Design including UI/UX, Custom Web Development, Digital Marketing Strategy Formation and Campaign Deployment for Search Engine Optimisation and Pay-per-click Advertising.

Our Weapons of Choice

PHP, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, Prestashop, osCommerce, Moodle, CakePHP, Codeigniter, Custom MVC.

Key Achievements thus Far (and counting…)

  • In 2015, our Web Developers developed a study tool for a Government backed project within the Health sector.
  • In 2015, our Web Development team created a completely custom eCommerce solution for one of the biggest gemstone retailers in Australia using WordPress. The project involved developing a custom theme, integrating the eCommerce module (Jigoshop) and coding custom API’s for linking their accounting & inventory software with their website.
  • Our digital marketing team has worked on 50+ campaigns in the last 3 years and have a track record of producing Page 1 rankings across the board (90% Keywords on Page1).
  • In 2016, we started developing a proprietary software for the Childcare Industry that provides a 360 degree solution to childcare providers. This software will work across the web and as a mobile application. More coming on this soon…
  • In early 2017, our web development team completed a completely custom Web application for an Australian coatings manufacturer. This application was developed to streamline the sales process for the client and has resulted in significant savings for the client in terms of labour (efficiency), human errors.

Our team

Divij Mehta

Digital Strategy, SEO and PPC

Serge L.

Frontend Development and UI/UX Expert

Steve West

Frontend and Backend Developer

Sayam Seigell

Content Creation and Campaign Management

Ulysses Ofiver

Senior PHP Developer

CC Oliver

Front-end Developer and Graphic Designer

Mara Milani

Tech Lead, Drupal Developer

Karen Callaghan

Senior UX Consultant

Enough of us, why don’t you call us or drop an email to introduce yourself?